Roxie Stinson was at one time married to Jesse Smith, a member of President Warren G. Harding's "Ohio Gang." Smith committed suicide as pressure mounted on the Harding administration in what became known as the Teapot Dome Scandal. Stinson's testimony in front of the U. S. Senate was scandalous and of great interest to the public. An article in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle (April 6, 1924) described Stinson's appearance and demeanor:
“There is nothing in Roxie Stinson’s face to give a clew to her remarkable performances. The features are sharply defined, and there is a certain rigor noticeable when she is impassive, but her nostrils are extremely sensitive and rather winning smiles come readily. The mouth is attractive, firm, and closely set when she is serious, but the slightest smile reveals a beautiful double row of teeth, fit for a dental paste advertisement.”
There you have it.
I couldn't find much additional information about Stinson. Maybe she also had six fingers and six toes. After all, nowhere in the story about her Senate testimony does it say she DIDN'T have six fingers and six toes. So it's certainly possible. Confronted with a lack of direct evidence about a lack of polydactyly, however, we COULD make the simpler presumption that her anatomy was normal. Just a thought.