Mehta was unaware of my offer when he cited the database in his paper, suggesting that my incentive program was not behind his decision to use the EWHADP dataset. Rather, it appears, he recognized the usefulness of the data for the project he was working on. I hope that more people use the data. It's possible that someone else already has but I'm not aware of the citation - I'm not sure how I would ever know unless I see it or someone tells me about it.
The EWHADP has been largely dormant for a while now. It's stalled midway through an effort to re-code several of the key variable related to structure size and shape. I'm hoping to get the update done at some point this summer and get a newer, larger version online. I plan to use it myself for some research that will build on the 2013 JAA paper that spawned the original dataset.
If you cite the database, please let me know. I'll create a page for those citations on the EWHADP site. I'm interested to see how people use the data, and tracking and understanding use will help me to enlarge and improve the database.