If you're aware of the strange mix of Christianity and the occult that I call the Nephilim Whirlpool, you probably won't be that surprised by what you read in this bizarre post by Registered Nurse and self-described sinner and speaker of truth Donna Wasson. Writing on the website NewsWithViews.com ("Where reality shatters illusions"), Wasson rehashes a fairly typical recounting of the Nephilim as evil angel-human hybrids before launching into her description of the current science-government-Nephilim conspiracy to disrupt God's creation though government-administered vaccines:
"These Nephilim spirits are still giving advanced technological information to receptive scientists who are steeped in the occult, which includes the manipulation of DNA and the mixing of species. The end game? To once again contaminate human DNA with satanic/demon DNA as in the days of Noah, just like Jesus warned would happen in these last days. . . .
. . . I believe the mark [of the beast] will be administered in a vaccine serum containing a nanotechnology sized chip with biological material infused in it. Think about it! Why are world governments suddenly hell-bent on forcing vaccinations on citizens? It's always been a choice before, but it's becoming mandatory in some areas.
. . . I believe the mark of the beast will contain recombinant Nephilim/"alien" DNA, housed in some type of virus in/on the chip. . . .
. . . The point is, they will be infected with demonic DNA which will spread and mutate their own genetic code, turning them into something OTHER than 100% human. They will become a hybrid—a Nephilim of sorts, and thus ineligible for forgiveness.
Remember: ONLY human beings can be saved by the blood of Jesus. The fallen Watcher angels and their progeny cannot be saved and are forever damned in the Lake of Fire. THIS is why you absolutely cannot take the mark of the beast for any reason!"
So there you have it: if you value your path to salvation, avoid those government vaccines at all costs. It's not just that they're potentially unsafe, but they could actually be concocted by scientists in league with the forces of Satan bent on disrupting God's plan for the world.
There's a clear difference between the giants of the occultist, Nephilim-centric Christianity of people like Wasson, L.A. Marzulli, and Steve Quayle and the "bigger, smarter, stronger" giants of Young Earth Creationists like Kent Hovind and Joe Taylor. Given the depth of the paranoia that's visible among Nephilim enthusiasts, it did not surprise me to find the purported connection between Nephilim and vaccines in other places (e.g., this page from 2011 and this one from 2014). It's Wasson's status as a medical professional that I find particularly jarring in this case. Her views make Ben Carson's milquetoast response to a question about the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism during the last GOP debate look rabidly pro-science in comparison. Even America's first Nephilim enthusiast, Cotton Mather, was pro-vaccine.
There is plenty more to say here, but for now I'll just have to end with this: