As promised back in October, here’s the unofficial official Swordgate Poster v6.0. It’s been more than a year since v5.0 which was essentially the 2016 poster du jour for Swordgate Year 1. The new v6.0 is the 2017 Swordgate Year 2 Anniversary version.
Cover your walls or your computer screen with this executive summary poster of the single greatest crowdsourced kick in the pants debunking of pseudo artifact nonsense that’s ever happened within the history of man as we know it...or just share the inner giggle this has been for many of us Swordgaters. Once again, congratulations and thanks to all contributors.
Here’s the changelog update from v5.0 to v6.0:
- abstract revised and updated noting extra tests, falsified hypotheses, timeline points
- sword inventory increased from 16 to 25 with hilt picture row expanded
- extra sword finds not used in the inventory added
- group type boxes expanded to include all additional swords, three new types and one new subtype, full name of each sword with number and group code added, key morphology details added
- former multiple hypotheses section reduced to the primary hypothesis and text updated
- extra metallurgy test results for #3 & 4 added
- measurement box updated with weights and additional measurement for Type I
- original purchase location and date summary expanded to include additional swords
- ‘Art of the Science’ section added with description text and picture collage
- former enlarged hilt comparison removed and 3D model section revised to include description text and picture collage
- timeline updated and description summary added and reference made to additional poster
- bivalve mold casting section added with description text and picture collage
- logos added
There’s also a summary video version of the poster on the unofficial official Swordgate Youtube channel HERE.
Keep it real. Keep it Swordgate.