The meetings are in Washington, D.C., which is not a cheap town. I used most of my allotted institutional travel support for the SEAC meetings in the fall, so I'm mostly on my own dime for this one. Consequently it will be a quick trip -- one night in DC and then I'm headed back home.
We another great day last Friday at field school. Normally I made the videos on Mondays, but I needed that time this week to work on my SAA talk. I'll do the Week 11 video when I'm back in the office early next week. This Friday while I'm gone the students will be in my lab washing the artifacts we have recovered so far this season.
I had hoped to have my presentation up and available by now, but I'm going to hold off while I continue to tweak it en route. I'll post it on my page when it's done. (Update: here it is.)