The website that we'll build during the Forbidden Archaeology course is up and running here. That site is where the student blog posts and projects will go, though there is still quite a bit of time before those will begin being added. I created a section of the site called "Synopsis of Activities" which I plan to use to post a blurb about each day's class. I'm not planning on writing a blog post every time the class meets, but it will be helpful, I think, to provide a summary about what's going on both for our benefit here and for yours. Who actually ever reads the syllabus, anyway?
Jim Vieira has made his arrangements for air travel, and as far as I know everything is moving along as scheduled for his visit. I'm looking forward to meeting with Vieira and I think it will be a lot of fun to have him interact with the class. He and I have never met before and have only spoken on the phone once. If I understand our email exchanges accurately, his visit will involve at least some consumption of malt liquor and, possibly, heckling a Trump rally if we're able. While I'm not yet sure about all that, I do at least know what time I'm supposed to pick him up at the airport.
I've cashed out the now-irrelevant Scott Wolter travel fund. With the blessing of those that donated, I'll roll that money over into the fund I set up to support Vieira's travel. Vieira is paying for his own air travel and I've got the hotel covered on my end (through a very generous local gift), but I'll still need to feed him something, I'm expecting, and there will probably be some other out-of-pocket expenses.