The page has links to several datasets (such as CARD and the files posted at PIDBA) that include dates from across the Eastern Woodlands. I've also started a section listing sources by state, which is the scale at which many compilations are created. Thanks to Stuart Fiedel for pointing me in the direction of several compilations from the Atlantic coast. I stumbled across data from the Georgia Coastal Plain, a Tennessee dataset, and a Louisiana database and have provided links to those.
Conspicuously absent so far are compiled datasets from South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Presuming that a South Carolina dataset does not already exist, it seems that the responsibility for assembling one would logically be mine. I'm hoping some of you out there can let me know about datasets that will help fill in the gaps and perhaps update some of the older compilations.
At some point, I'll combine all the existing data together and make it all available. It shouldn't be that tough but it will take a little time. It will be a matter of creating a database with the necessary fields and then adding existing data either electronically (i.e., in cases where data are already available electronically) or manually. The less manual data entry, the better.
Please leave a comment here if you know of sources that I haven't yet included.