As many of you, I have been following the #Swordgate drama since the beginning. I have used my Spanish speaking skills to collaborate with the investigation and have found a couple of them. I did a quick search over lunch about two weeks ago and . . . Behold: Sword 15!
The online magazine Red Historia was one of many online outlets that published a story about the "Roman sword" allegedly found in Nova Scotia. When they tweeted the link to their story, Twitter user @Frioacero tweeted back: "It looks a lot like this one "discovered" by me in Pompeii. Can also be found on Ebay".
I've been promised more photos that will be useful to compare this sword to the others in the Fake Hercules Sword database, but for now there is just the photo from Twitter.
- I assigned Sword 15 to Type CS based on what appears to be a "clean" blade (missing the casting anomalies of Type J) that is short in length. I'm guessing it is a copper alloy sword based on the patina.
- Alert #Swordgate aficionados will have noticed that we skipped over Sword 14. That number has already been assigned to another recently discovered sword, a post about which is currently in the works.