As we enter Year 2, Swordgate promises to be the gift that keeps on giving. I pulled these images out the Fake Hercules Swords archives so you could benefit from all the hard work we've been doing. I lost track of who made some of these so I'm not going to bother to try to credit them. Enjoy the fruits of our important efforts!
12/26/2016 07:47:10 am
I am just wondering whether anyone has had any actual contact with Hutton Pulitzer ? Has he been 100% confirmed ? How do we know that he is not some clever animation constructed by Pixar ?
Only Me
12/26/2016 07:56:45 am
Thank you to Andy and everyone who created these images. My day has begun with a healthy dose of laughter.
Peter Geuzen
12/26/2016 08:32:36 am
The snowman is photoshopped. The rest?
Andy White
12/26/2016 09:12:54 am
As far as I know, the rest have all been 100 percent confirmed as authentic.
Ryan Gold
12/26/2016 10:13:23 am
Occasional reader here. I'm always hoping to see your opinions on other fridge topics beside the sword too. The one I'm hearing a lot about involves possible ancient ruins in Antartica. Now I would usually just dismiss this as crazy fringe if it wasn't for a military officer I spoke to 5 years ago and said they investigated and found something but could not say more. There is also a strange map from 1500s that shows the coast line before we could use modern technology to confirm this. Can you please do a report on this? Is it even possible for the area not to be frozen 12k years ago and could people live there?
Only Me
12/26/2016 10:48:18 am
Since I think you're referring to the Piri Reis Map, this article will explain why it doesn't show Antarctica, as claimed:
Ryan Gold
12/26/2016 12:48:19 pm
Thank you! There are a number of articles going around mentioning some film crew is missing due to what they found. Here's one of them:
Only Me
12/26/2016 03:12:03 pm
You're welcome.
12/26/2016 03:58:06 pm
No Viking Templars mentioned either.
Ryan Gold
12/26/2016 09:04:36 pm
Yeah good point!!! I see you also comment on Jason's blog too. How and why do these stories get reported. Seems like fake news for ads
Ryan Gold
12/26/2016 09:43:04 pm
This was a crazy story and dead on arrival. Appears what happened is that Indiana Hutton Jones did not know how to read the XRF machine and simply misinterpreted the data. Like most fringers his excitement of emotion overtook his rational mind and he become convinced it was genuine. He probably thought the zinc would be high but not as high as it actually was (hence the double talk) as no artifact in ancient times has levels of zinc or lead that high. The equipment and methods used by St. Mary's is pretty state of the art and so not sure why any one would conclude its anything other than a modern replica. I am very curious however about the Professor's at St. Mary's additional notes that the casting process has some blue thing that relates to a process used in Naples. Hutton alleged that the Oak Island sword is connected to two known sisters, one originally from Naples. Any information on these swords as I'm having trouble finding anything online? Also how did Hutton know about these supposed ancient swords anyway - one in private hands, one connected to Naples museum (the professor did suggest the replica was possibly casted there ), and even yet how did he know about the Curse of Oak Island one before the TV show aired?
12/26/2016 10:30:40 pm
Ryan : Andy has pretty much covered everything in numerous blog entries on the fake swords covered here ( from most recent to oldest )
Ryan Gold
12/27/2016 01:10:44 pm
So sounds like one big hoax to sell a book? Is that AAPS group he made the annoucement with still involved in this?
Kill Bill
12/27/2016 12:34:44 pm
So found something interesting...
Only Me
12/27/2016 01:53:09 pm
I'm more interested in why you seemingly want Pulitzer's claim to be true.
12/27/2016 02:31:23 pm
HuttonI,,,, I am sure that David Kenney, does not need, nor want you to make up lies about him or his qualifications.
Kill Bill
12/28/2016 01:31:29 am
You seem to always ingnore the important stuff like the lox wax casting technique. Why do you do that Jim?
12/28/2016 02:29:00 am
I just don't see what salmon have to do with it at all !
12/27/2016 07:24:38 pm
And a further note, here "Kill Bill" seems to insinuate that David somehow stole his sword from the Naples museum and collaborated with Hutton to keep this secret.
Ryan Gold
12/27/2016 01:12:28 pm
The plot thickens. Anyone talk to David?
12/27/2016 07:47:29 pm
Lol,, did you mean, the plop thickens ?
Kill Bill
12/27/2016 11:38:41 pm
Jim get off your high horse. I am simply referring to how others including Hutton have referred to him as the Roman Antiquties expert and a Prince is still a prince of Monaco no matter how you cut it.
12/28/2016 04:17:16 am
Get off my high horse Hutton ? I don't ever remember you even acknowledging David Kenney existence previous to now!
Kill Bill
12/28/2016 02:29:57 pm
Who are you referring to? My name is Bill not Hutton. I've told you this a million times. How is that so hard to understand? How many ways can I spell that out for you? I see that you need an scapegoat to express your anger and frustration to and at the same time redirect the focus away from the challenges I've presented so you start creating the fantasy that I'm Hutton. I'm sorry to disappoint you again and for the last time I'm NOT him. Please don't ever call me that again. At this point I'm not even sure he's the kind of guy that I would want to be associated with. It's very clear you have such a narrow point of view on this story. Why is it so hard for you and others to see possible different motives, agenda's, and outcomes. Is it that you are so biased with your animosity against Hutton? Its clear that there are several possibilities here, perhaps both swords are real and Hutton is working with David and didn't want to disclose that? Its also possible that Hutton got limited data on the Oak Island sword and got information from David with out fully vetting it making the Oak Island one a replica but David's is still authentic. A third possibility is that both swords are fakes and that either David and Hutton are working together to perpetuate the hoax or given Hutton's excitement he's being used by David as a useful idiot.
12/28/2016 04:48:35 pm
Bill not Hutton :,,,, Are you nuts ? Why would Andy share his private correspondence with someone using an alias on the internet ?
Kill Bill
12/28/2016 01:33:03 am
Andy, would you kindly share your email correspondence to us with David Kenney?
Peter Geuzen
12/28/2016 08:42:15 am
Finally, some humour.
Mike Morgan
12/29/2016 10:49:10 pm
Kill Bill/Jim/Jim Stela,
Kill Bill
12/28/2016 02:36:24 pm
Peter Geuzen
12/28/2016 04:54:09 pm
l><iiiil*> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Only Me
12/28/2016 05:24:42 pm
1) Not possible. The OI sword has been tested and shown to be made from modern brass. Kenney's sword hasn't been tested, so there's no way someone can confidently state it's "real".
Andy White
12/28/2016 05:46:48 pm
As I said before, I corresponded with Kenney back when this whole debacle began. We had a cordial exchange. I already shared what I intend to share (see posts on the Florida sword). There's nothing sinister lurking there, just the fact that I appreciate his openness and there's no reason why I should publish private emails just to satisfy the curiousity of some anonymous person who has come to my blog to insult and misrepresent me and the facts.
Kill Bill
12/29/2016 12:04:00 pm
So is the Florida sword real or not?
Kill Bill
12/28/2016 10:04:45 pm
Well it could help prove your case. Did you find that David was telling the truth and that he believes his sword is real? Did you know that he used to be part of the Naples museum and did you bring this up? Did you ask him if he has relationship with Hutton? I don't see you discuss this anywhere if so please provide link sources. Sharing your exhange would only help your case as you have as others have shared their exchanges with Hutton, AAPS, and other researchers.
12/28/2016 10:41:18 pm
Only Me
12/28/2016 11:59:30 pm When you can't address criticism, always follow up with a petty insult.
Andy White
12/29/2016 05:49:14 pm
Stop being a dumbass, "Bill," or I'll keep deleting your comments.
12/29/2016 07:23:22 pm
Delete...delete...delete...delete...BUH BYE! LOL
12/29/2016 06:59:35 pm
This "Bill/Hutton/Philyaw/Crotch Itch" will say or do ANYTHING to get attention!
Ryan Gold
1/3/2017 11:42:49 am
Someone shared with me Hutton's recent FB broadcast. Looks like he's consolidating his social media profiles and preparing for a massive release and press tour with Scott Wolter for a what he claims is "the most significant reveal to change world and north America history".
Only Me
1/3/2017 02:51:21 pm
It seems Pulitzer hasn't learned anything from the Swordgate fiasco.
Ryan Gold
1/3/2017 04:07:13 pm
Thanks for sharing OnlyMe. It looks like they found tombs:
Kill Bill
1/3/2017 05:24:41 pm
Hutton has discovered something incredible @ Oak Island that will give Andy and the rest of you heartburn. Welcome to 2017, let the fun begin!
Only Me
1/3/2017 05:39:47 pm
I sincerely hope you're not referring to Pulitzer's claim of a "tomb" he says may contain the body of Hercules.
1/3/2017 06:04:58 pm
Oh,, I'm sure ! As far as I know Hutton is not allowed on the Island. The government would not and will not allow him to do undersea exploration.
1/3/2017 09:55:30 pm
Kill Bill,
Kill Bill
1/3/2017 10:21:45 pm
Thanks for the records. But you apparently don't know what you don't know other than finding records. Maybe Hutton will find a job for you.
1/7/2017 11:21:19 am
Kill Bill, Hutton game found anything at Oak Island, he has been banned from the property. You should know this. It's been years since he's been allowed in site. So unless he found it VIA goodie earth, he has nothing. And if that is " fight for the truth " procedures.. it's not working for me.
Only Me
1/3/2017 05:48:27 pm
Pulitzer has claimed a Roman soldier was buried near Oak Island, promising to provide future details. He also claims there is a "tomb", also near Oak Island, that may hold the body of Hercules.
Ryan Gold
1/3/2017 07:40:45 pm
I just found this post on the Roman tomb:
Andy White
1/4/2017 06:08:02 am
Until there's some sort of evidence connected to a claim, what's the point in talking about it? The only thing to evaluate is Pulitzer's track record of making extraordinary claims and then not following up on his promises. That evaluation only takes a second to perform, as Pulitzer's evidence:claim quotient is extremely low. The sword was an exception, which is why it was fun to pursue (i.e., there was a material component to the claim that could actually be evaluated). Talk is cheap.
Kill Bill
1/3/2017 10:29:28 pm
Andy likes swords, not tombs? I'm been doing my research and talked to peeps on the inside. There is are massive breakthroughs coming on several fronts this year - Oak Island, North America, and the WORLD.
1/3/2017 11:26:34 pm
Well "Bill", You seem to have a lot of confidence that something has been found. You will have to admit though that Commander Cosplay has yet to find anything at all of any significance. So I am not sure where the confidence comes from, the next thing that clown finds will be the first thing he finds. So I won't be holding my breath. I do anticipate the "announcement" about the same as waiting for a new episode of Mr Bean,,, well a dumbed down version of Mr Bean.
Only Me
1/3/2017 11:27:40 pm
Bullshit. You haven't spoken to anyone "on the inside" and you know it. That's why you never addressed how Azora's comments directly contradicted your own on a previous blog post.
Kill Bill
1/4/2017 08:23:29 am
I came on here to seek the truth and investigate the claims in this area. The more questions i rose the more defensive Andy got with regards to inquires into ancient lost wax casting techniques, his investigative work, and his relationship with David Kenney. Recently he started deleting my comments for no apparent reason. Plus it seems that Andy is more interested in really just making this a two way debate between Hutton and himself when its clear there is a much larger theater at play. So if people want to play nice and actually investigate stuff I'm all game and promise to be open minded and work with you all but it works both ways. I have a lot of experience, connections, and resources to employ so when some groups are open, when others not, makes you wonder.
Andy White
1/4/2017 10:27:47 am
Hi "Bill,"
Only Me
1/4/2017 03:06:59 pm
"I came on here to seek the truth and investigate the claims in this area."
1/7/2017 11:23:40 am
Kill Bill, you sure seem like you are Hutton.
Okay Bill, here's what I've found in my research...
1/4/2017 03:59:49 pm
1/4/2017 07:20:03 pm
1/4/2017 07:55:07 pm
Yeah, I was curious about how many clowns were in the circus. With the parallel narrative I thought perhaps Bill had created a like minded friend.
Kill Bill
1/4/2017 08:41:50 pm
P. Taylor/Abraxas - #MAJORFAIL
Kill Bill
1/4/2017 04:38:44 pm
So more people are joining the party! I'm actually glad there are others trying to do real investigation. It's already well known that there were many replica's of the sword made during that time period. Replicas has a source of origin. The people at the Naples Museum might only have limited information of the sword given those that work there now were not around at the time and the connection could have meant several things. I'm also investing this with a historical expert on the ground in Naples that has special access to archives and is translating. There is also a connection with the museum from the guy who claims to own the sister sword David Kenney who was a member there in the late 70s. What I'm finding is that the sword holds particular reverence to society and thus why it's been kept secret and hidden for years. Other one may have been found in northern Europe and awaiting results. My guess is that you were involved with the research team at St. Mary's given the professor also wanted to write a white paper. You might want to await until the big bombshells get released this year then ALL WILL BE TRUELY REVEALED. PS: Check out the lost wax casting technique...
1/4/2017 05:11:51 pm
Hutton,,, er,,"Bill" (sorry, you look so much like Huttom you could be twins) you said :
Kill Bill
1/4/2017 08:45:43 pm
Jim - you may want to read the last comment of this post closely:
1/5/2017 06:41:19 am
Rah, I was wrong, you finally got something right, first time Hutton ?
1/4/2017 05:23:26 pm
By the way "Bill", look up there is all kinds of stuff going over your head!
1/6/2017 11:26:08 am
Only Me
1/4/2017 06:12:46 pm
Ah, yes. Just like all the other unfulfilled promises (Commodus's Secret, Solomon's Secret, the white paper, the XRF data) all will be revealed.....LATER THIS YEAR!
Kill Bill
1/4/2017 08:52:06 pm
Only Me, I know its really hard for you understand there being more than one scenario, but perhaps I can enlighten you. If you discovered massive breakthrough, bigger than you originally imagined, so much that it will have a major impact in the world by changing our known history, you will want to be sure as hell and vet it properly and do all the studies so the guys like Andy and Jason eat their own words. Its very likely that is what is happening if you read the tea leaves and talk to the insiders. Or you can dig your head in the sand and follow Andy.
Only Me
1/4/2017 10:06:13 pm
"Only Me, I know its really hard for you understand there being more than one scenario, but perhaps I can enlighten you."
Joe Scales
1/4/2017 08:03:12 pm
Professor White, this isn't a democracy. It's your blog. You don't have to be courteous to such malevolence, nor allow it to continue. Perhaps this liar pollutes your blog to discourage you from unveiling his fraud. If so, I'd suggest giving in and no longer paying attention to his obvious lies and falsehoods. If people are dumb enough to fall for it in the first place, it's not likely you'll save them anyhow.
Kill Bill
1/4/2017 09:13:44 pm
Then this blog would be empty like crickets! No one is coming here to check out Andy's rooster art (although it's neat) they want to engage and he is not providing that, new insights, or compelling information.
1/5/2017 07:01:41 am
"Bill",,, you said ;
1/4/2017 11:21:35 pm
As I hoped you might have surmised from my little exercise a few posts up, ANYONE can "raise questions" about ANYTHING. Just like anyone can make claims about anything.
Ryan Gold
1/5/2017 10:03:28 pm
Why not just let everyone have their say, present their case, and defend their argument. Besides he's entertaining and maybe raising a few ideas and thoughts, otherwise it would be boring. Any one have other discoveries going on or coming up?
1/6/2017 01:54:25 am
Ryan, there's nothing inherently WRONG with raising thoughts and ideas... You're right. I think that's different from making unsubstantiated claims, though, which is pretty much worthless.
Kill Bill
1/10/2017 09:31:56 pm
How is the tomb a prime example? Were you given insider information? Or perhaps you are making an assumption. You really just think its fake because you really are biased and want to believe it is. So when come from this angle how do you expect people like Hutton to expect a fair treatment from peer-review? You know why he can't, because such outsiders are not considered peers to the academic community and why this system needs to be reformed so we don't have to wait many decades for academics to confirm stuff that their non-peers discovered.
1/16/2017 08:47:57 pm
Yes, I was given insider information. Someone in Hutton's camp told me that the supposed Roman Tomb is based on an artifact that was later proven of recent origin.
1/6/2017 03:13:11 pm
Has anyone seen Commander Cosplays latest video on OI ?
1/6/2017 04:33:51 pm
Yikes! Needed a seatbelt. A maniac in the true meaning. Not sure if the mania is biological or chemical, it sure is hard to see someone in that condition.
Kill Bill
1/10/2017 09:35:36 pm
still waiting for you to say something useful, enlightening, informative...
1/11/2017 03:10:41 am
TM, is that you?
1/6/2017 04:45:44 pm
I couldn't watch. I knew the guy was an ass before, but maybe it is partly due to drugs? He sure looks hopped up on something. But I couldn't continue watching a grown man make such a total ass of himself. What is scary is that he must know how much of an ass he makes of himself, but he doesn't care. I guess he wants fame, at any price.
Kill Bill
1/10/2017 09:34:47 pm
Lots of geniuses are not considered "socially acceptable" types..
1/11/2017 11:58:32 am
"Bill" Genius ???,hahahahaha, we are not even sure of Huttons genus. More testing is needed.
1/12/2017 07:21:41 pm
"Bill" If you consider Hutton a genius, maybe your the one on drugs!
not my real name
1/7/2017 08:05:38 am
You want ranting and raving? Check this out:
Kill Bill
1/10/2017 09:33:55 pm
Wow you guys really have lots of time to show your hate for this guy.
Kill Bill
1/10/2017 09:36:39 pm
I have a feeling that Hutton will have the last laugh, just like Trump...
Only Me
1/10/2017 10:18:11 pm
"So when come from this angle how do you expect people like Hutton to expect a fair treatment from peer-review?"
1/19/2017 01:43:03 am
Speaking of J. Hutton Pulitzer as we were, I came across this the other night: FEVR Distances Itself From Rasmussen ( Comments are closed.
All views expressed in my blog posts are my own. The views of those that comment are their own. That's how it works.
I reserve the right to take down comments that I deem to be defamatory or harassing. Andy White
Email me: [email protected] Sick of the woo? Want to help keep honest and open dialogue about pseudo-archaeology on the internet? Please consider contributing to Woo War Two.
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January 2024